The ASAP 2020 system includes the degas and N2 adsorption-desorption systems which allows a full range of surface characterization analyses with automatic settings. It is equipped with six analysis gas inlets and a standard 1000-mmHg transducer for analysis of most routine samples, and is able to tailor the system to precisely fit your needs. The ASAP 2020 includes a powerful data reduction software to provide a variety of easy-to-interpret report options.It has the capability to collect data over a prescribed segment of the pressure range, or to perform adsorption and desorption analyses over the entire pressure range, providing extensive surface area and porosity information.
BET Physisorption Analyzer usage is $12.7/run. The users must log into the log book and the individual Excel sheet prior to using the instrument for billing purposes. The log book comments will help in assessing a possible malfunction which may occur during the user’s time.
There will be no direct charge for time expended by the director while initiating a project, training new users or any sort of consultation. It is expected, however, that a significant effort by the director will be acknowledged by such things as authorship, inclusion in grants and public presentations, etc.